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SD20 Learns Newletters
SD20 Learns Newletters
SD20 Learns Newletters
SD20 Learns
Factors that affect self-identity
What factors contribute to how you see yourself?
cultural heritage
body image
Recognizing how knowing our talents and giving compliments both support self-esteem
Understanding that gender stereotypes and how they impact our self-identity
Healthy Schools
IH's Healthy Schools
Keep scrolling for more resources !
Topics include: Food Literacy, School Gardens, Tobacco, Vapour Products and Drug Literacy, Mental Health Literacy, Sexual Health Education & Child Protection, Mindfulness & Sleep Hygiene, and Physical Literacy.
Food Literacy
Healthy Eating

Childhood Obesity Foundations: Explore more by viewing COF programs and resources on this website like Healthy Beginnings for Preschoolers 2-5, Sip Smart, Screen Smart and more!
Healthy Eating

Cook it, Try it, Like it!: This program is a five-week after-school program designed to promote healthy eating habits by providing students with hands-on experience cooking and tasting nutritious foods. Two Cook it! kits are at the District office-pictured above. For more info about the program and the kits, contact Andrea.
Healthy Eating

Coalition for Healthy School Food - is a Canadian network of non-profit organizations who are advocating for public investment and federal standards for a universal cost-shared school food program that would see all children having daily access to healthy food at school. The website includes research on the benefits of nutritious food for students.

Weight Neutral Approaches to CSH
Weight-neutral approaches to Comprehensive School Health resources and research references curated by Elizabeth Tingle, University of Calgary instructor and presenter, and advocate for weight-neutral health promotion in school settings. She is also a co-hosts a podcast series - The Podclass: Conversations on School Health at teacherfanclub.com

Tobacco & Vaping
IH Tobacco and Vapour Products in Schools:
Drug & Gambling Literacy

Tobacco & Vaping
Quash is a smoking and vaping cessation app, powered by the Lung Health Foundation. It’s specifically designed to help youth (14-19) quit and quit for good.
There are two versions of the Quash program that can be used separately or together, depending on the needs of the young person trying to quit:

Drug Literacy
The Youth Cannabis Awareness Program (YCAP) offers free programming to youth aged 12 to 24, as well as adults (parents/guardians and professionals) involved in the lives of youth. Informed by protective factors contributing to youth mental health, YCAP provides a multi-faceted approach to increase knowledge and skills supporting positive youth development.
Mental Health & Media Literacy
Mental Health

Searchlight: Directory of local services
Family Action Network (FAN): Health and Development Services
Trail FAIR: offers family resources, counselling, crisis and legal assistance and other community services.
Castlegar Community Services: provides multiple services to Castlegar and the area.
Mental Health

Foundry centres and Foundry’s provincial virtual services offer drop-in and scheduled counselling and peer support, primary care, employment support and groups for young people aged 12-24 and their caregivers across B.C. No referrals are required and all services are free and confidential. Please distribute information about Foundry services to your students as needed and support them with accessing a centre or registering for an account on the Foundry BC App.
Mental Health

McCreary Centre Society - 2018 Report Release and resources. On March 25th, McCreary Centre Society will release Doing Okay? Checking in on the mental health of BC youth. The report shares data from the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey (AHS) on youth mental health and will be available for download at www.mcs.bc.ca
Mindfulness & Sleep Hygiene
Sexual Health Education & Child Protection
Child Protection
Body Science

SOGI 1 2 3 helps educators make schools inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI). At a SOGI-inclusive school, students' gender does not limit their interests and opportunities, and their sexual orientation and how they understand and express their gender are welcomed without discrimination.
Child Protection
Physical Literacy
Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy
Basin PLAYS - Physical Literacy in Schools Community of Practice: CoP offers a platform for educators and physical literacy practitioners to share ideas, evidence-based resources, projects and learning opportunities. Multiple physical literacy resources, events, projects and organizations are also housed on the Basin PLAYS Hub.

Physical Literacy
The School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project is a multicomponent, school-based health promotion initiative for B.C. elementary schools. The project will provide both in-person and online professional development opportunities to build the capacity of B.C. elementary school educators to increase their confidence and competence in delivering quality physical activity and physical literacy opportunities at school, and support links to mental well-being.
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning